My photo
We are the Richey's! Not that interesting, but usually eventful! Buck & I married in April 1999. We have two daughters: Phoebe who was born in February 2003 and Blaine who was born in November 2004. We also have a cat, Haylie, and two dogs, Dylan & Diesel.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Fall 2010

Another catch-up are some pics since my last post, of various things.

Halloween 2010 at Carter's house, this is a tradition every year. Carter (Pop Star), Phoebe, Taylor (Pebbles), and Rebekah (not pictured, moved to TX) all went to daycare together and were all four a group. Of course, when they started school, they sort of split up, but we all try to keep in touch.

Donna, Taylor, and TJ

11.4.2010: Blaine's 5K Fall Program on Parent Power Night at school.
They sang various songs, here's one of them title "Toodle, loodle, loo"

11.5.2010: College Bound! All the kids received these shirts on Parent Power Night and wear them every Friday. It is really cool to see. Also, each morning they say their College Bound chant and you can hear it through the me chills, I am so proud of our school.

We are PES, we are PES; We compete with the best, we compete with the best;
Doctors-lawyers-engineers, doctors-lawyers-engineers;
Our country's future begins right here,
Our country's future begins right here;
You can't hold us to the ground, You can't hold us to the ground;
"Cause we're COLLEGE BOUND, "Cause we're COLLEGE BOUND!

11.14.2010: CBC Music Makers Program.
This is 5K thru 2nd grade together...

11.19-20.2010: Blaine's 6th B-day Sleepover:
Cheerleader Theme