Blaine's class went on a field trip last Wednesday to Callaham Orchard. It was fun!! Blaine is going to be one of those children who is excited her parent is coming on the field trip, but it does not show. She sat with her friend Madison on the bus and said if I wanted to I could sit in front of them. Well, at least she let me sit near them!
The orchard has a great set-up. When we arrived we ate ice cream first kind of trip. Then they loaded up on the wagon to tour the orchard. We learned how the bees pollinate the pumpkins and how to know which blooms become a pumpkin and which do not.
We also were able to see the deer they have on the orchard. I think that was the most exciting and fun part for the kids.
After the wagon ride, the two 5K classes split back into their own class and we had a milking contest. I was really looking forward to my little sweet prissy Blaine to milk a cow, but she wouldn't. Funny, Phoebe skipped this same contest when her class went 2 years ago. We did though talk Madison into competing.
After the milking contest, we moved on to the duck races. This was pretty fun!
Blaine posed with some of her classmates. They had already taken their turn on the duck races and were just hanging out waiting for the next activity.
After the duck races, we moved on to feeding the goats. They are some corn eating freaks, I bet they would eat all day if you stood there and fed them. After feeding the goats we washed hands. Ok, so washing hands is not THAT exciting, but I really liked their "sink" set-up. They had a long trough and soap in hose hanging down. We need one of those in our goes with the theme and decor ya know!?!?
On our way back to school, we stopped at a park and ate lunch and played a bit.
It was a fun day, but boy was I pooped when we got home. Thank goodness their are people who like to teach. I don't think I could do it everyday.
Looks like Blaine is still the social butterfly with all those friends.
Well, I would not call her anti-social, but you know how kids are when the camera comes out.....everyone wanted to have their picture taken. :)
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