August 8, 2010
We had a fun trip (one of many) to the waterpark in Greenville, it started out as a family trip as Bucky was getting to come on this trip. Then we found out a good friend, Selise, was coming to town so she met us there.
Later that day, our church had a Sweet Pea Princess Dinner for moms and daughters. We lucked up and was able to have Bucky as a part of this as our server. That was cool to have our whole family attend. And it kept him from whining about not having a father/daughter dinner (even though he has had one of those before and this was my first EVER).
August 16, 2010
As a back to school treat for the girls, we went to get pedicures. Phoebe got blue nail polish with zebra stripes and Blaine got pink (of course) with a flower. The after thought was "now no one can see our toes" because the girls cannot wear open-toed shoes to school. Oh well, it fun anyway and was a nice treat after all the swimming and toe-scuffing from the pool!!
August 17, 2010
First day of school!!! Phoebe started 2nd grade and Blaine started 5k. They were super excited.
August 23, 2010
We hit the consignment that came the weekend prior to these photos and found some great steals. I was able to get about 4 or 5 pair of jeans for each girl for this winter and then several other outfits for about $4 each. The girls modeled their favorites...yes, believe it or not, Phoebe is wearing a dress. She picked this out with no persuasion from me. She has wore it multiple times to school already and it was her outfit for picture day.
September 9, 2010
The girls are both playing church soccer this year. Blaine is on the 6 & Under team and Phoebe is on the 8 & Under team. They are playing hard and getting some great exercise!! This is Blaine's first game in which the other team was a no-show and we won by forfeit. First game , they are 1 & 0...what a start!!
September 16, 2010
Their next game was back to back, Blaine first, then Phoebe next...the teams have the same jerseys. Here are few of those with it being Phoebe first game for the season. Not as good a start, but they played hard!!
The girls new bed that Papa Simmons built. It gave them more floor space that we plan to use wisely! Pardon the one unpainted piece :)
September 23-26, 2010
We took a trip down to Charleston to see Emily at her new "home". She is going to College of Charleston and we were so excited to see her new dorm and her "community". She took us around downtown and spent time with us. We were able to see Selise while we were there too. We had a great time and was so glad that Emily wanted to spend so much time with know the old people... :)
Well, that is the up-to-the-minute on us. Hope you enjoyed the pics.....we enjoyed all the moments!!
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