2.4-5.2011 Phoebe had 10 friends over for her birthday sleepover. I had sort of planned out the night because you know I try to be structured, but it turned out they had just as much fun playing randoms games together. I was very pleased to see the ones that did not know each other get along so well. Especially, since it rained and my outside activities were eliminated from the "plan".

The meal was breaded chicken with cheesy pasta...aka, chicken nuggets and mac & cheese!
Another unplanned event was the human train. The girls got to playing and pulling each other around by the feet, so Bucky made them "hook" together and pulled them all. They said this was the best part of the party!

After the human train, the girls gathered to paint their picture frames. Everyone was going home with a painted frame with a group picture of the party. They are all very creative!
After painting, they all found their spot for the movie: Sleepover! We fixed popcorn with m&m's and capri suns. The kicker - Phoebe was the first one to go to sleep DURING the movie. How not normal is that? She is always the last one to go to sleep, and while a movie is on? What's that about?
We made room for everyone to sleep. We moved out the desks and file cabinets which made just enough room for all the girls. Notice, you do not see Phoebe? She is up top on the far left, still passed out!
Group picture before breakfast!
Chef Bucky serving pancakes, "Would you like regular or chocolate syrup with that, ma'am?"
Phoebe's tree house cake! I worked on this thing forever. Bucky engineered the structure and I researched how to work with fondant. I tell you, watching tons of The Cake Boss was a huge help and was my inspiration for even attempting this type of cake. I ran out of time so there were no windows or a door, but everyone got the gist of it: Tree house with grass and a sandbox underneath.
Phoebe was very excited to get some actual gifts to open even though she requested money when asked what she wanted. She was saving up for a DSi!!
Our sweet baby girl on her actual birthday! Happy 8th birthday, Phoebe!