......HAHAHAHAHA!! Ok, so obviously you don't know me at all if you believed that. It may look that way if you were to see my fairly new bookshelf I bought to hold all my books that were in and on my nightstand OR the book cabinet in the girls rooms with a lot of my childhood books. I love books!! Really, that part is true. I enjoy going to the library and looking books up and reading the back cover. Most of the time I think a book sounds really interesting and I really do want to read it. I even go as far as to check it out and take it home. Place it on my nightstand or the table here it will be convenient to grab when I have a few minutes to read a page or two. It's the actual "sit down and read it" part that I have a hard time with. Now don't get me wrong, I know that may have come across as though I am a mover and don't like to sit down leading to my lack of reading because I can't sit long enough to read. Let me clarify, I LOVE to sit down too! It's the actually reading part. The first couple of pages of a new book are usually pretty good, but then I start getting sleepy or daydreaming about other things and realize I read like 5 pages and do not know what any of them said. Do you know how many times I have read the first half of a book? If you count all the times I have read the first half of a book, then I could consider myself to have read LOTS of books in my life. I may not know how they ended, but I sure have the beginning down pat. I mean by the time I re-read the first half of the book, I am bored with it and ready to move on to something else.
I will say though, now that both of the girls are in school and reading is emphasized so strongly, I do read more. Henry and Mudge and Junie B. Jones are some really good books. I have read several ALL the way through as a matter of fact. How impressive is that?

It is a wonderful gift to be able to read. I don't take it for granted. I like reading magazines, they are so ideal for me. Lots of short stories that I can get through quickly and move on. When I think back about books I have read, there are two that come to mind.

If you are wondering how I managed to get through school without reading, I can't answer that. When it came time for book reports, I usually read the first and last chapters of a book and just hoped I could figure out the gist of it to meet the mandatory length needed to turn in the paper. When it came to oral book reports, well why would I read the book if I was not going to do the oral book report part of it. Nope, I usually took zeros on those types of things. I just worked harder at the rest of my assignments to pull my grade back up. I did have one teacher in 12th grade that had mercy on me because I refused to give an oral report and was determined to just take my zero which would have most likely failed me and I would not have graduated. She allowed me to come in and give my report to her only. Anyway, that had nothing to do with reading… :-)
Back to my love of reading. So I checked out a book at the library last night. Why was I at the library you asked if I do not read? Well, Phoebe had to look up 5 of her spelling words in a dictionary and write the pronunciation and page number…..we did not have a dictionary (except the internet version). While I was looking for a dictionary and kept stumbling upon the encyclopedias, she grabbed a book about the Bermuda Triangle.

I ended up selling myself on it and found me a “grown-up” version. I really hope I do stay interested in it enough to read it. It stinks taking a book back to the library to return it, unread, and pay an overdue fee! I plan to write a book report on it too!